Discovering Your Ancestor’s Enemies



3 thought on “Discovering Your Ancestor’s Enemies”

  1. onc again, thank you.. for an enlightening topic. My ancestor was in the revolutionary war as a loyalist….and of course he had opposition (enemy) but thank you for pointing out other things my ancestor would have faced, revenge on his family, disease, smallpox was rampant. in a seven years of war meant 7 winters on the east coast and what that would mean, and the spring thaw of snow meant mud in the refugee camps that were just primitive huts so the cold would be an enemy they couldn’t avoid or control with the flick of a thermostat

    Thank you for helping me to think!

  2. Always thoughtful ideas to improve our storytelling. I love to consider economic obstacles – In my case I am looking at poverty as one. Also, the disbanding of the family unit when my protagonist was so young. His role models are external and it creates a challenge to create the connected home he longs to achieve.

  3. You have my attention!
    Writing of the complications in life better than a timeline but as antagonist in all the ways you listed would be better story telling!
    Thank you for teaching me that.

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