Which One?- Narrative Essay vs Creative Nonfiction Narrative

Today, we’re exploring the differences between narrative essays and creative nonfiction narratives. Now these two may seem like two peas in a pod, but trust me when I say they have their own unique flavors. Join me in today’s Storylines and let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between these two powerful forms of storytelling.

3 thought on “Which One?- Narrative Essay vs Creative Nonfiction Narrative”

  1. Timely info for me. I’m beginning my third book, a memoir of my dad. Thinking of doing a series of short essays rather than a chronological story. Each essay will capture a specific moment in my relationship with my dad.
    Thank you! This lesson was helpful!

  2. I have a problem with defining what type of story I am writing because it involves my observations of incidents I witnessed as a child growing up in a chaotic economic environment where our family moved every two years. I included dialogue (as I can still recall as if it were yesterday).
    Problem is that as I reiterate exact conversations by way of actual dialogue. So that it’s not only from my perspective but also the from the view of those involved at that time.
    So, then which is it that I ‘am using in telling this true story? Too tell the reader how I came to a conclusion or leave that up to the reader in the end to decipher later? To speed things up a bit I wrote everything as it happened with my thoughts on it as well, just to get it down on paper…later I plan to edit out my thoughts that could be perceived, possibly as too one sided.

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